15 Februari 2013


Change My Mind - One Direction

The end of the night
We should say goodbye
But we carry on
While everyone’s gone

Never felt like this before

Are we friends or are we more?
As I’m walking towards the door
I’m not sure

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind
'Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away
If you’ll be mine
Won’t go, won’t go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I’ll change my mind.

Lean in when you laugh,

We take photographs
There’s no music on
But we dance along
Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I’m walking towards the door
I’m not sure.

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind
'Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away
If you’ll be mine
Won’t go, won’t go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I’ll change my mind.

I’ll change my mind.

Baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I’ll change my mind
'Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away
If you’ll be mine
Won’t go, won’t go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I’ll change my mind. 

Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
'Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

It Will Rain - Bruno Mars

If you ever leave me, baby,
Leave some morphine at my door
'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don't have it anymore.

There's no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor (Ooh)
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin'
To keep you by my side
To keep you from walkin' out the door.

'Cause there'll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

I'll never be your mother's favorite
Your daddy can't even look me in the eye
Ooh, if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing
Sayin' "There goes my little girl
Walkin' with that troublesome guy"

But they're just afraid of something they can't understand
Ooh, but little darlin' watch me change their minds
Yeah for you I'll try, I'll try, I'll try, I'll try
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make you mine

'Cause there'll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

Oh, don't you say (don't you say) goodbye (goodbye),
Don't you say (don't you say) goodbye (goodbye)
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make it right

'Cause there'll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
And just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

10 Februari 2013

My Sunday

pagi pagi jam setengah 6 gua udah dibangunin secara kasar oleh babeh gua, selimut ditarik, celana dipelorotin, dan jidat gua ditepok. alhasil gua teriak dan gua tendang ajatuh orang.
gua ngomel ngomel kenapa dihari minggu yang cerah ini gua malah dibangunin jam setengah 6 pagi?! ternyata babeh gua ngajakin ke bandara Soetta. gua kira ke soetta mau liburan ke bali atau ke lombok gitu. ternyata ke soetta cuma mau nganterin nenek gua yang mau umroh-_-
sebenernya sih gua males ikut. tapi gua jadi semangat ikut karena abis dari soetta mau ke pim buat refreshing+ngambil hp gua yang diservice. yaudin gua langsung aja mandi abis mandi gua dandan selayaknya cewe. udahgitu gua turun kebawah karena mami sudah bercuap nyuruh gua sarapan.
selesai sarapan gua langsung kemobil dan akhirnya kita jalan pas jam 6. sampe di soetta jam 8an disana gua nyari rombongan umroh muter sana sini akhirnya ketemu juga ada nenek gua dan juga eyang eyang dari jogja yang ikutan umroh bareng nenek gua. pas udah nenek gua take off akhirnya ngelanjutin perjalanan lagi kita ke pim!
diperjalanan gua merasa ada yang ganjil. ada sesuatu yang lupa gua bawa. pas gua inget lagi masya allah gua lupa bawa hp adek gua. yaudah lah mau gimana lagi namanya juga manusia maklum kalo pelupa.
sampe di pim jam setengah 12 gitu lah muter muter nyari parkiran di basement penuh semua akhirnya dapet juga di basement paling bawah tanah. udah tuh turun dari mobil nyari pintu masuk naik lift ke lantai paling atas karena tujuan utamanya mau ngambil hp gua terusterus gua udah seneng pake banget karena hp gua sembuh eheh ternyata pas kartu im3 gua dipasang ternyata gabisa bro! harus beli kartu baru lagi miris banget padahal tuh kartu udah lama banget dari gua kelas 5sd.
udah ngambil hp pada laper yaudeh ke food court kita nyari musuh eh nyari makan maksudnya. udah kenyang udah tuh gua sama mami gua shopping biasalah naluri cewe. sementara adek gua dua duanya ngikut babeh gua gatau kemana. gua sama mami shopping ga banyak lah cuma ke Zara sama ke Little Thing She Need. abis itu pulang pulang jam 4sore.
pulang pulang ujan eh dijalan macet. gokilnya adek gua sama babeh gua malah taruhan gajelas gitudah pokoknya yang kalah harus nurutin permintaan yang menang. eh adek gua menang dia jingkrakan alay gitu diatas jok mobil saking keselnya gara gara ganggu gua tidur gua tendang aja tuh kaki dia sampe jatoh bunyi gedebuk gua lanjutin aja tidur padahal adek gua nangis jejeritan gua biarin aja.
mobil berenti dipom bensin cirende padahal masih ujan gede. pas gua bangun didalem mobil cuma ada gua sama adek gua. pas gua tanya kemana ortu gua ternyata dia beli dunkin donut sialan ternyata adek gua menang taruhan minta dibeliin dunkin donut coba gua ikutan taruhan tuh ah elah nyesel banget gua.
pas sampe mobil emak babeh gua basah kuyup gara gara kepanasan. tolol keujanan maksudnya. mereka bawa setengah lusin donat yang isinya 6. pas adek gua buka bungkusannya tanpa mengingat dosa gua ambil ajatuh donat satu langsungn gua makan. adek gua malah ngomel ngomel "dihdih lu mengapa ego tiba tiba ngambil donat gua. lu kan gaikutan taruhan tadi malah tidur. terus nendang gua sampe gua kejedot lagi. balikin balikin!" udah ngomel ngomel kaya gitu gua malah ngejawab kaya gini " bagen gua laper tenyom" wkwkqkkwkqkw akhirnya gua sama adek gua berantem sampe nyampe rumah ortu gua ga ngepisahin gua sama adek gua,
sampe rumah ngelanjutin lagi berantemnya akhirnya gua yang menang HOREEEEE. alay dah gua udah ya segitu dulu capek gua juga belom belajar nih shit.

6 Februari 2013

I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift

I think--I think when it's all over,
It just comes back in flashes, you know?
It's like a kaleidoscope of memories.
It just all comes back. But he never does.
I think part of me knew the second I saw him that this would happen.
It's not really anything he said or anything he did,
It was the feeling that came along with it.
And the crazy thing is I don't know if I'm ever gonna feel that way again.
But I don't know if I should.
I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright.
But I just thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?
Maybe he knew that when he saw me.
I guess I just lost my balance.
I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him.
It was losing me.

Once upon a time a few mistakes ago
I was in your sights, you got me alone
You found me, you found me, you found me
I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that
And when I fell hard you took a step back
Without me, without me, without me

And he's long gone when he's next to me
And I realize the blame is on me

'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

No apologies, he'll never see you cry
Pretend he doesn't know that he's the reason why
You're drowning, you're drowning, you're drowning
Now I heard you moved on from whispers on the street
A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be
And now I see, now I see, now I see

He was long gone when he met me
And I realize the joke is on me, yeah!

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

And the saddest fear comes creeping in
That you never loved me or her, or anyone, or anything, yeah

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble

I don't know if you know who you are until you lose who you are.